Hello, welcome to DartsAdvice.com (Darts Advice)!
My name is Andrew, and I’m a retired dart player. I’ve played numerous tournaments throughout my career, and I’ve learned the ins and outs of this sport – from the ground up to the tiny yet considerable details.
Throwing a dart the perfect way is much harder than you might think. The skill that goes way beyond than an untrained eye might perceive. From holding & grip to the trajectory, the stance, the breathing… The science of the perfect hit goes on and on.
The idea to start Darts Advice came from an occasional talk with friends who wanted to learn more about the sport and to get acquainted with the skill. Furthermore, we talked about the gear that definitely plays a major role in the game – sometimes you depend on the quality of your dart head or the type of the flight (the rear part of the dart), or the length of the barrel.
That’s why I realized our sport is popular, and there are many more people who are interested in this stuff. Great news, and an excellent reason for me to keep my brain sharp while producing high-quality content for you guys.
Here on Darts Advice, you’ll learn the skill of throwing darts with me. Also, here you’ll find many useful tips and guides on how to improve your game, how to think strategic during the types of play, elemental play rules and advanced tactics for winning a dart game, followed by extensive and in-depth product reviews because these can make or break your game.
I’m going to keep you inspired and motivated to get your best score no matter the type of game you’re playing, select the best gear no matter the brand or type, and master the skill of dart throwing no matter the surroundings and pressure that you might face.
Stick with me on this incredible journey, and become a great dart player!
And better yet, Darts Advice doesn't just stop at Dart game.
After going through the interesting topics about dart game together, we want to expand to other subjects in indoor games.
We will, in turn, introduce you to the most popular games you can play with your friends in your games room: besides the dart (though the dart is extremely interesting), we have pool table, table tennis (a.k.a ping pong), arcade game, foosball table game, air hockey and shuffleboard.
They are all fun and special games, keeping you and your loved ones from getting bored indoors (to be safe from the risk of COVID 19 infection, during this period).
In addition to incredibly detailed reviews of the widgets you need to get started, we offer tips, tricks, tricks, and cool rules to help you make your game room a favorite gathering place for your friend.
If there’s anything you want to know about, just send me a message (I watch my inbox like a hawk), and I’ll respond as soon as possible.
Thanks for dropping by, and I’ll see you soon!