People of all ages and skill levels can enjoy and enjoy playing darts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, one of the most critical aspects of the game is learning how to hold a dart.
Proper grip and technique can significantly improve your accuracy and consistency on the board. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and techniques on how to hold a dart to help you improve your game, avoid common mistakes, and find the best technique that works for you.
So, let's dive in and start mastering the art of dart-holding!
Take away key points:
- A longer dart barrel allows for more fingers on the dart's center.
- With practice, you can achieve a good dart drip with your throwing hand and control when the dart lands with each throw.
- Rest your dart in the palm of your hand to find the dart's center of gravity so that you can determine how much force is required for your throw.
- When throwing a dart, remember to stay relaxed but firm with your stance.
- Consider using a chalk-based grip aid or experimenting with different types of dart barrels or flights to prevent slipping.
- Use visual aids such as videos or tutorials to help you visualize proper dart-holding technique and improve your form.
- Finally, remember that there is no right or wrong way to hold a dart, but developing a reliable and effective technique takes time, patience, and persistence.
Understanding the basic components of a dart
Before into how to hold a dart properly, it's important to understand the basic components of a dart. A dart consists of four primary parts: the point or tip, barrel, shaft, and flight.
The point is the sharp end of the dart that sticks into the board. It can be made of steel, tungsten, or plastic.
The barrel is the main part of the dart that you grip. It can be made of various materials such as brass, nickel-silver, or tungsten, and can have different weights and shapes. The longer the barrel of the dart point, the more fingers you can place on the dart. A longer barrel will also allow for different dart grips.
The shaft connects the barrel to the flight and provides stability for the dart in flight. It can be made of plastic, aluminum, or carbon fiber.
The flight, which can come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, is the wing-like part at the back of the dart that keeps it stable and prevents it from tumbling in the air. Flights may also have unique designs and patterns.
Understanding the basic components of a dart can help you choose the right dart that suits your playing darts style and preferences. It can also help you find the most comfortable and effective way to hold a dart.

Finding your dominant hand and eye when your throw darts
Before you start practicing how to hold a dart, it is important to identify your dominant hand and eye. Your dominant hand is the one you naturally use for most activities in your daily life. If you're right-handed, then your right hand is your dominant hand. If you're left-handed, then your left hand is your dominant hand.
Your dominant eye, on the other hand, is the one that provides the most accurate visual information when you're aiming at a target. It may or may not correspond to your dominant hand. To determine your dominant eye, follow these simple steps:
- Extend your arm and create a small triangle with your thumb and index finger.
- Focus on an object in the distance through the triangle.
- Close one eye, then the other. The eye that keeps the object in view is your dominant eye.
Once you've identified your dominant hand and eye, you can use this information to position your upper body and aim more accurately when holding a dart. If your dominant hand and eye are on the same side, then you will have a more natural and comfortable stance when throwing darts.
To ensure a good shot, always point the tip of the dart slightly upwards and never downwards. This technique helps the dart receive the appropriate air to reach the board accurately.
Choosing a dart that fits your dart grip style
Darts come in various shapes, weights, and materials, so it's important to find one that feels comfortable and secure in your hand.
One way to determine the right weight for your dart is to experiment with different weights and see which one feels best. A heavier dart will give you more stability when you grip the dart but may also require more strength to dart throw accurately. A lighter dart will be easier to achieve a good throw but may not have stable air resistance. Heavier dart will have a clear flight path and more control.
Next, consider the shape of the barrel. The most common barrel shapes are straight, tapered, and bulbous. Those who hold darts at the back and front typically favor straight barrels, while those who hold the dart at the middle prefer tapered barrels. Bulbous barrels are ideal for those who like to grip the dart towards the front.
Lastly, look for darts with a texture or grip that suits your preference. Some people prefer a smooth barrel, while others prefer a knurled or grooved surface for a better grip. You can also experiment with different types of shafts and flights to see which ones work best with your chosen dart.
Proper finger placement for holding a dart

The most common dart grip is the three-finger dart grip, which involves using your thumb, index finger, and middle finger to hold the dart.
To start, place your thumb against the side of the dart barrel and wrap your free fingers around the barrel. Your index finger should be positioned slightly higher than your middle finger, and your fingertips should be in contact with the barrel.
Your grip should be firm but relaxed, with just enough pressure to keep the dart stable. Avoid gripping the dart too tightly, as this can cause tension in your hand and affect your accuracy. Also, avoid an overly relaxed grip.
Some dart players also use their ring finger to support the dart comfortably from underneath, while others prefer to use only two fingers or all four fingers. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dart holding, so it's important to experiment with different finger placements and find the one that works best for you.
Regardless of your finger placement, your wrist should remain straight throughout the accurate throw line, and your arm should swing smoothly and follow through after releasing the dart.
Finding the right grip pressure for you
The key is to find a comfortable level of stable grip pressure that allows you to maintain control of the dart without causing excessive tension in your hand.
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lightest and 10 is the tightest, most players recommend a grip pressure of around 3 to 5. This allows the dart to be stable and controllable without causing fatigue or discomfort in your hand.
To find the right grip pressure for you, start with a lighter grip and gradually increase the pressure until you feel comfortable and in control of the dart. Avoid gripping the dart too tightly, as this can cause tension and affect your accuracy.
Experimenting with different dart-holding techniques
Some common dart-holding techniques include:
- The pencil grip: this involves holding the dart between your thumb and index finger, similar to how you hold a pencil. This grip is often used by beginners or those who prefer a lighter grip.
- The claw grip: this involves holding the dart with your fingers curled around the barrel, like a claw. This grip is popular among professional players as it provides a high level of control.
- The back grip: this involves holding the dart from the back end of the barrel, near the flight. This grip is preferred by those who like to throw darts with a lot of force and speed.
- The front grip: this involves holding the dart from the front end of the barrel. This grip is preferred by those who like to throw with a lot of accuracy and precision.
- The hybrid grip: this involves using a combination of different grip styles to find the most comfortable and effective grip for you.
Avoiding common mistakes in dart-holding

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
- Gripping the dart too tightly: this is a common mistake and it can cause tension in your hand and affect your accuracy.
- Holding the dart too loosely: can cause the dart to wobble in the air and affect your aim.
- Placing your fingers too far forward or back on the barrel - can affect your control and consistency.
- Tilting your wrist or arm too much: can cause the dart to veer off course and miss your target.
- Moving your head or the whole body during your dart throwing: can affect your aim and cause you to miss your target.
- Using inconsistent grip pressure or finger placement: can make it difficult to develop a consistent throwing darts motion and improve your accuracy.
Practicing your dart-holding technique to improve your game
Practicing your dart-holding technique is essential for improving your game and becoming a more accurate player. Here are some tips to help you practice your technique effectively:
- Start with the basics. If you're new to dart throwing, start by practicing the basic three-finger grip and focusing on maintaining a consistent grip pressure and wrist position.
- Practice regularly. Consistency is key when it comes to improving your technique. Set aside time each day or week to practice your dart holding and throwing motion.
- Experiment with different grip styles. Try out different grip styles and variations to see what works best for you. Remember to focus on maintaining a consistent grip pressure and finger placement regardless of the technique you choose.
- Use visual aids. Use videos or tutorials to help you visualize proper dart-holding technique and improve your form.
- Practice with a purpose. Set specific goals for each practice session, such as hitting a certain number of targets or improving your accuracy at a particular distance.
- Get feedback. Ask experienced players or coaches to watch you throw darts and provide feedback on your technique. They may be able to offer tips or suggestions that can help you improve.
Is there a wrong way to hold a dart?
There is no right or wrong way to hold a dart, but there are techniques that can help improve your accuracy.
How many fingers should you hold a dart with?
Most players hold a dart with three fingers: the index, middle, and ring finger. However, some players prefer using two fingers or four fingers. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what feels comfortable and natural for you.

How do professionals grip darts?
Professional dart players use a variety of grip styles and finger placements to find what works best for them.
How does Phil Taylor hold a dart?
Phil Taylor, a retired professional darts player, held his dart with a unique grip, which involved placing his index finger and thumb on the same point of the dart barrel.
How to stop darts from slipping?
To stop darts from slipping, try using a chalk-based grip aid or experimenting with different types of dart barrels or flights.
Final words
In summary, holding a dart properly is crucial for improving your accuracy and becoming a better player.
Choose a dart that fits your grip, experiment with different grip styles and finger placements, and focus on maintaining a consistent grip pressure and wrist position throughout your throw. Avoid common mistakes such as gripping the dart too tightly, holding it too loosely, or tilting your wrist or arm too much.
Practice regularly, set specific goals, and get feedback from experienced players or coaches. With patience, persistence, and the right technique, you'll be able to hit your targets on the board and improve your game.