Is it necessary to exercise to play darts?
Darts seem like a game that isn't very taxing. But you might be surprised how sore and tired you are after a long night spent playing.
Besides this, if all the muscles you use are in shape, you will become a much better player. Whether you are a pro or a casual player, you should give some training a try.
It took me several years to realize what a difference it can make. That is why we have written this guide to help you to figure out which darts exercises you want to do.
Preparing for Your Routine

There are several different muscles and muscle groups that you use in darts. You will need to train each of these. The best way to do this is to work out a whole weekly routine. Otherwise, you can work the exercises into your regular training.
If you already have an exercise routine, you can incorporate the different movements into your sessions for the relevant muscle groups.
You need the following to get started with your darts exercises:
One great idea is to brush up on the basic techniques for playing darts as you start this routine. Check out this video for a refresher.
You should also read our article on how to throw darts.
Steps to Exercising for Darts
1. Plan Out Your Routine
As tempting as it is to jump in, it works better to decide what you are going to do beforehand. I recommend doing your planning over the weekend so that you are set to go on Monday.
You need to plan what exercises you are going to do, when you are going to train, and where you are going to do it. This is where the notebook comes in.
Draw up a table that you can use to schedule your training. You should write down what exercises you are going to do on a day and in what order.
2. Warm Up
You should warm up before any exercise or training session. This will help you to avoid injuries and can make the exercises itself flow more smoothly. Everyone has a favorite way of doing this.
A fantastic way to start is to stretch. Try to work your whole body but focus on the specific muscles groups that you are going to train in that session
3. Posture Training

Daily maintenance is key to improving your posture. You need to practice having a healthy one by walking, standing, and sitting correctly.
On top of this, you need to strengthen and tone your core. You should try to incorporate two to three core training sessions into your week.
There are several movements you can try. Pick at least three for a session. Three exercises that work well is the plank, crunches, and the boat. You can do all of these without equipment.
Here is more information on exercises you can do to improve your posture.
4. Muscle Strengthening

Most of the muscles that you use while playing darts are in your upper body. Your biceps, triceps, and shoulders do most of the work. You don’t want them to begin to feel weak or even sore and stiff from playing.
You can do bicep curls and tricep push-ups once or twice a week. It is also a good idea to include some chest and back conditioning. Use some dumbbells with these movements.
Don’t forget about leg day. Improving your leg strength will help you to balance and stand more solidly. Squats and lunges are the ideal choices.
Leave at least one day to rest in between training days. Your muscles need some time to recover and repair.
After each exercise session, you should write down how many repetitions you did of the different movements and at what intensity.
5. Improving Hand-eye Coordination
One of the most critical skills you need is excellent hand-eye coordination. It is necessary to help you aim and to allow you to hit your target.
To improve your hand-eye coordination, you should try games like the catch that involve throwing and catching a ball.
Doing this once a week should be enough to keep your skills fresh.
6. Stretching
Whenever you are strengthening and toning your body, you need to stretch. Your muscles need to be strong as well as flexible.
When you throw a dart your arm and wrist need to be able to move quickly and smoothly. Regularly rotate your arms and wrists to loosen them.
One excellent stretch is to clasp your hands and gently extend your arms in front of you. Move them to reach above your head and then slowly move to behind your back.
Another great stretch is to extend your right arm across your chest to the left and hold it in place with your left hand for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Remember you shouldn’t feel pain.
7. Practice Darts

The next step in improving your dart game is actually to play darts. You should practice regularly, as much as is still fun.
It is fantastic if you have your own dartboard so that you can take a turn whenever you feel like it. Try to play a game with your friends or families at least once or twice a week.
The more you practice, the more crazy skills you will learn.
Each time you play, your muscles and hand-eye coordination will also improve.
If you are wondering which dart boards is leading this industry, please find our detailed answer in this article or look at the top 3 below at a glance.
8. Nutritious Diet
If you combine these exercises with a nutritious and well-balanced diet, the results will be multiplied.
You should try to eat more or less twenty grams of protein a day to aid you in building muscles.
A healthy diet will also help you to feel more energetic which will make exercise and playing actual dart games much easier and fun.
Include fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet. The vitamins and minerals will help you to maintain a training program.

9. Maintenance
One of the key steps to doing exercises for darts is to maintain the routine. You should try to be consistent by training several days a week every week.
You can decide how long you want to follow this routine. Preferably you should do this as long as you plan on playing darts.
Don’t give up. Remember that results take time. But with some effort you should begin to feel the difference after more or less three weeks. You will become stronger and fitter as time passes.
Try to ramp up the intensity of your training slightly every week. You can do this by slowly increasing the weight you use and the number of repetitions of each exercise.
Besides maintaining regular practice routines, maintain your dart and dartboard also important!
The top dart options (both steel and soft tip) below will give you suggestions when your dart is time to be replaced.
These dart exercises are a surefire way of improving your game. As you tone the relevant muscles, you will feel the difference. Throwing darts will become much more natural and you will able to focus much more time on improving your aim.
A routine like this doesn’t require much effort and can smoothly fit into your everyday tasks and activities.
It is key that you stick to this plan and try to be as consistent as possible.
As a bonus following this type of routine will help you get in shape and help to improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Tell us in the comments what you do for darts exercises. Share and compare with your teammates and friends routines.